Tuesday, January 31, 2012

30 on 30 #HappyBirthday2Me

I am sure I am not the first or the last person to suffer from anxiety about turning the BIG 3-0. For the past few months I've complained and dreaded the idea of leaving my 20's. 

After further deliberation I decided to act on the concept of 30 "being the new 20." For the year 2012, I will find new, exciting and challenging activities to help me experience 30 at its finest. Go me!

First stop Connelly's Goody Goody for breakfast
My BFF would not let me leave Crown Candy empty handed.
We're on our way up. There's no turning back... I think
All the way up for MY first time!

Late night martini's

A journey can be a good thing. Stay tuned...